
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Oklahoma Tornado Relief Drive - Get Involved, Get A Book

Don't think that I forgot about the Geek Recipe Giveaway winner, ccmidget2003 for her Lightsaber pretzel recipe...because I didn't.  She will be receiving a free autographed copy of the University of Oklahoma Cookbook as her prize.  Congratulations!

It has been a busy and somber time in Oklahoma these past several weeks.  Record-setting tornadoes and severe weather have been raking over the state and there have been many losses, great and small.

Brennan Linsley - AP Photo

My heart goes out to the victims for the devastation they have experienced, and also to those who are doing anything they can to help.  The teams and individuals who have stepped up to assist family, friends, and strangers alike, have been crucial to the recovery process of those affected.

Brett Deering - Getty Images

I would also like to help in whatever small way that I can, so I am going to donate all profits from my University of Oklahoma Cookbook to the American Red Cross and local tornado animal rescue shelters.  If you would like to donate to this cause in this way, please visit my FaceBook page and send me a private message.  I will let you know where you can send a check.  I have a limited personal supply and this offer is only through me, not my publisher (Gibbs Smith) or Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or any place else that sells my book.  I am selling them for $15 each (autographed and personalized if you would like) plus shipping.  Anyone is welcome to donate more than the asking price, and be assured that any amount over the $15 (plus shipping) will be fully donated to the above mentioned entities.  This fund-raising event will end by June 30th, or whenever I run out of books, whichever comes first.

Father's Day is coming up, so why not get Dad a great tailgating gift, plus help out those in need at the same time?  For more information about my personal experiences with the Oklahoma tornadoes, as well as why I choose to support the American Red Cross, see the Sidney Daily News article from my home town newspaper in Ohio under the "Articles" tab above.

Thank you for your continuous support!

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