
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ozzie's Diner

Anyone interested in an Americana "greasy spoon?"  I always am.  Is it nutritious and good for me?  I am pretty positive the answer is no.  Will I most likely need a recovery nap from the experience just to let my body and belly recoup?  Most definitely.  Will that stop me from having a new and exciting food experience?  Absolutely not!  The best kind of greasy spoons are the hidden ones.  The kind that aren't off the interstate, or next to the high-traffic stores like Wal-Mart and the like.  No, the best ones are the ones that some of the locals don't even realize are there.  The ones where the regulars go, that have waitresses who can't help but call you "hon" even if they've just met you.  Want to go to a place like that?  Well, then get yourself to the airport in Norman, OK - room 104.

On the first floor of the little airport is a diner called Ozzie's.  I had heard rumors in the air that Ozzie's was the place to go for Sunday brunch.  I also heard it was at the airport, but I didn't quite know where, exactly.  So one day, I got up and decided to find it.  I thought it would be a fun experience, and I was right.

After hitting a couple of winding roads away from the main road, we found it!  We walked in and the diner was right there.  Outside of the diner in the hallway, there was a white-board disclosing the menu we had to look forward to, as well as some basic rules about not sharing.

After wondering inside the establishment, a waitress asked if we could be helped and I explained that this was my first time here.  She was very good about letting us know how it worked.  She pulled out an awesome menu that had an American 1950's feel about it.

We ordered coffee and water to drink while we waited for our breakfast.  What was cool, is that the coffee came in thick ceramic mugs and the water arrived in mason jars - classic.

What did we order?  Well, the all-you-can-eat breakfast of course!  Here's how it works:  You can choose any combination as many times as you want from pancakes, grits, toast, biscuits & gravy, eggs (cooked however you like), home fries, hash browns, bacon, and sausage for just $5.79 per person.  

It is all cooked to order instead of sitting on a buffet where everyone else can pick at it as it gets cold/dried out.  After you are finished with your first plate, you can order your next with the same thing, or a whole new combo.  I also tried the biscuits & gravy (which I forgot to get a pic of), and it was surprisingly good!  The scrambled egg had a sort of gross texture to it, like it had grits in it or something, I couldn't quite peg it.  However, the fried egg was very good.  I like my fried egg with well done whites, and a slightly dippy middle, which I rarely get done right at any restaurant no matter how fancy.  But Ozzie's got it perfect!

The decor was riddled with aviation (as it is in an airport and very fitting), and objects from an era long past, but not forgotten.

We also had a great view!

So, if you want a breakfast that will be served until 3pm (which is when I like to eat breakfast), that taste a lot like Mom used to make on the weekends, with a reminiscent decor, an endearing waitress, a thrifty all-you-can-eat menu, and an exciting view, then give Ozzie's Diner at the Max Westheimer Airport a try.


  1. My dad would love that place.

    1. Bring him on down next time you're in our neck of the woods and we'll join you!

  2. Love this place and the all you can eat breakfast! We don't get to go there often enough.
