
Upcoming Events




Amos Memorial Public Library
Tuesday, August 13th
Art Gallery

Come taste some recipe samples, and celebrate with the authors of the Ohio State University Cookbook, Jen & Julie!
Books will be available for purchase and signing.
230 E. North St.
Sidney, Ohio

Barnes & Noble      EVENT CANCELLED
Wednesday, August 14th
6pm - 8pm
Easton Town Center

OSU Cookbook signing with recipe samples!
Both authors will be attending.
4005 Townsfair Way
Columbus, Ohio




OU Bookstore
September 8th
Just before the first home game outside of Gate 3 in the stadium

Full Circle Bookstore
September 15th
OU Cookbook signing and tailgating party!

University of Oklahoma- English Department
September 25th
Come taste some recipe samples, and celebrate with the author!
Books will be available for purchase and signing.
760 Van Vleet Oval, Rm 109

University of Oklahoma - Journalism Dept.
October 2nd
Publication Party with recipe samples!
Books will be available for purchase and signing.
Gaylord Hall - MPW Alcoves (on the 3rd floor)

Duncan Public Library
October 13th
Local Author Meet & Greet!
Books will be available for purchase and signing.
2211 N. Hwy 81, Duncan, OK

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